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Boost Your Community: 30-Day Local Support Challenge

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30-Day Local Support Challenge

The 30-Day Local Support Challenge is an exciting program designed to boost local businesses, foster community spirit, and make a real difference in your town. This challenge is all about coming together as a community to support our local economy and create a strong sense of togetherness.

By participating in the 30-Day Local Support Challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to the growth and well-being of your local community. Whether it’s shopping at local businesses, attending community events, or engaging in activities that promote neighborhood support and social interaction, every action you take during this challenge will have a positive impact on your community.

Join us as we embark on this 30-day journey to boost local businesses and foster community spirit. Together, we can make a real difference in our town!

Key Takeaways:

  • The 30-Day Local Support Challenge aims to boost local businesses and foster community spirit.
  • By participating in this challenge, you can make a real difference in your town.
  • Supporting local businesses and engaging in community activities contributes to the growth and well-being of your community.
  • Join us on this 30-day journey to create a stronger, more connected community.
  • Your actions during the challenge have a positive impact on the local economy and neighborhood support.

AARP Community Challenge Grants

AARP Community Challenge grants offer support for a range of projects that aim to make lasting improvements in communities. These grants fund physical improvements, temporary demonstrations, and innovative programming that contribute to the overall betterment of the community. The grant amounts vary depending on the project, with smaller activities receiving several hundred dollars and larger projects receiving tens of thousands of dollars.

The selection process for the AARP Community Challenge grants focuses on evaluating projects based on their impact, execution, and innovation. The grants aim to address diversity, inclusion, and disparities within the community. The average grant amount is $11,500, and the majority of grants awarded are under $15,000. These grants provide an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations to make a real difference in their local communities.

Table: Examples of AARP Community Challenge Grant Funding

ProjectGrant Amount
Revitalization of a local park$8,000
Creation of a community garden$5,500
Installation of public art$12,000
Development of a neighborhood resource center$15,750

By participating in the AARP Community Challenge grants, individuals and organizations have the opportunity to support physical improvements in their community, create temporary initiatives that lead to long-term change, and implement innovative programming or services. These grants play a vital role in fostering community engagement and ensuring the well-being of local residents.

Grant Application and Notification Process

Applying for an AARP Community Challenge grant is a straightforward process. To be eligible, applicants must meet the grant’s requirements and submit their applications through the online application form. It’s crucial to complete all the necessary fields with accurate and relevant information by the specified deadline.

It’s important to note that incomplete applications will not be reviewed, so make sure to double-check all the information before submitting. The AARP Community Challenge grants team evaluates applications based on various factors, including impact, execution, and innovation. The focus is on projects that promote diversity, inclusion, and address disparities within communities.

Notification and Requirements

In May, grant recipients and unselected applicants will be notified of their status via email. If selected as a grantee, it’s important to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the grant agreement. Recipients are required to execute a binding Memorandum of Understanding and complete vendor forms by the given deadline.

Failure to comply with the requirements may result in disqualification or delayed funding. To ensure a smooth process and avoid any complications, carefully review the submission terms and conditions. These terms outline the responsibilities and rights of applicants participating in the AARP Community Challenge, providing clarity on what is expected throughout the grant period.

Grant Application RequirementsSubmission Terms and ConditionsNotification Process
Complete online application formAdherence to grant agreement termsEmail notification in May
Accurate and relevant informationExecution of the Memorandum of UnderstandingGrant recipients and unselected applicants
Submission by specified deadlineCompletion of vendor formsCompliance with submission terms and conditions

AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities: Community Criteria for Grant Consideration

Communities belonging to the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities are encouraged to apply for AARP Community Challenge grants. However, it’s important to note that projects that benefit any community and satisfy all other criteria are eligible for consideration. The AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities is a nationwide initiative that aims to create inclusive and accessible communities for people aged 50 and above. By encouraging communities to join the network, AARP strives to improve the quality of life for older adults and address their unique needs.

The grant selection process evaluates projects based on several criteria, including impact, execution, and innovation. The goal is to select projects that make an immediate change and contribute to longer-term impact. Additionally, the selection process emphasizes diversity, inclusion, and addressing disparities within communities. Projects that demonstrate a commitment to serving the needs of people aged 50-plus align with the AARP mission and are highly regarded in the selection process.

Selection Criteria Overview:

  • Impact: Projects should have a measurable and positive impact on the community, particularly for people aged 50 and above.
  • Execution: Projects should be well-planned, feasible, and have a clear implementation strategy.
  • Innovation: Projects that introduce new approaches or creative solutions to address community challenges are highly valued.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Projects that promote diversity, inclusion, and address disparities within the community are prioritized.

By considering these criteria, the AARP Community Challenge grants aim to support projects that foster age-friendly communities, improve livability for all residents, and enhance the overall well-being of communities across the nation.

Participating in Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), providing an opportunity for advocates, activists, survivors, and supporters to get involved in raising awareness and promoting education about sexual assault. The SAAM campaign encourages individuals to engage in daily prompts that inspire creative ways to raise awareness, educate others, and connect with the community. By participating in SAAM, you can join a collective effort to address the issue of sexual assault and make a positive impact.

Daily prompts during SAAM cover a range of topics, aiming to address various aspects of sexual assault. These prompts may include sharing about SAAM online, promoting SAAM events, sharing messages of support to survivors, or highlighting statistics related to sexual harassment, assault, or abuse. By participating in these prompts, you can contribute to spreading awareness and fostering a supportive community that stands against sexual violence.

Participating in SAAM also comes with the opportunity to win prizes. Each day you participate in the campaign, you have a chance to win prizes. This not only adds an element of fun and excitement to your involvement but also serves as a way to recognize your commitment and contribution to raising awareness about sexual assault. So, don’t miss out on the chance to win some prizes while making a difference during Sexual Assault Awareness Month!

April 1#SupportSurvivorsSundayShare ways to support survivors virtually and spread messages of empathy and compassion.
April 7#TalkAboutItTuesdayStart conversations about consent, boundaries, and healthy relationships.
April 12#MindfulMondayEngage in self-care and share resources for mental health support.

Join the SAAM campaign this April and be part of a community that actively works towards ending sexual violence. By participating in the daily prompts, raising awareness, educating others, and connecting with the community, you can make a meaningful impact during Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Participation Guidelines and Prizes for #30DaysofSAAM

Participating in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign is easy and open to everyone. Whether you have an individual account, represent an organization, or create an account specifically for the contest, you can join in and make a difference. To participate, simply tag @NSVRC in your submission posts and use the hashtags #30DaysofSAAM and the specific prompt hashtag for that day. Remember, original content is required to showcase your creativity and support for the cause.

By engaging in the campaign, you not only contribute to raising awareness about sexual assault but also stand a chance to win daily prizes. Each day you participate, you have the opportunity to win a $25 gift card to Additionally, winners will have their submissions featured on NSVRC’s account, recognizing their efforts and providing them with wider visibility. But that’s not all – if you engage every Tuesday or participate every day in April, you become eligible for the grand prize: a $250 gift card to So, get involved, share your voice, and let’s work together to end sexual violence.

Participation Guidelines:

  • Tag @NSVRC in your submission posts
  • Use the hashtags #30DaysofSAAM and the specific prompt hashtag
  • Create and share original content

Daily Prizes:

By participating in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign, you have the chance to win daily prizes:

$25 gift card to Etsy.comWinners receive a gift card to shop on, supporting independent creators

Grand Prize:

Engage every Tuesday or participate every day in April to be eligible for the grand prize:

Grand PrizeDescription
$250 gift card to Etsy.comThe grand prize winner receives a generous gift card for an enhanced shopping experience on

Supporting Survivors and Promoting Online Safety

The #30DaysofSAAM campaign is dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual assault and promoting online safety. It provides a platform for participants to raise awareness about sexual violence and engage in discussions surrounding consent and other related topics. The campaign encourages individuals to create safe and respectful online spaces where survivors can feel supported and validated.

Throughout the campaign, participants are prompted to share ways to support survivors virtually, such as providing resources and information or offering words of encouragement. By raising awareness and spreading knowledge, participants play an essential role in helping survivors navigate the digital space. Additionally, the campaign emphasizes the importance of digital consent and educates individuals on terms related to sexual violence, fostering a better understanding and promoting respectful online interactions.

Promoting Online Safety Guidelines:

  • Create a safe and inclusive online environment by respecting others’ boundaries and consent.
  • Think before sharing, commenting, or engaging in discussions related to sexual violence.
  • Share credible resources and information to support survivors and encourage education.
  • Avoid victim-blaming or judgmental language when discussing sexual assault.
  • Report any inappropriate or harmful content to the relevant platform or authorities.
  • Support survivors by amplifying their voices and challenging harmful narratives.

By actively participating in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign and adhering to these guidelines, individuals can create a more compassionate and inclusive online community, ultimately supporting survivors and promoting online safety for all.

ConsentThe explicit and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity or other forms of physical intimacy.
Victim-BlamingThe act of holding victims partially or entirely responsible for the harm they have experienced, often shifting blame away from the perpetrator.
Sexual ViolenceA broad term that encompasses various forms of non-consensual sexual acts, including rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment.
SurvivorAn individual who has experienced sexual violence and continues to heal, cope, and thrive.

Reflections and Gratitude in #30DaysofSAAM

The #30DaysofSAAM campaign provides participants with an opportunity to reflect on their experiences and express gratitude towards those who supported their involvement. Throughout the month, individuals engage in activities that raise awareness about sexual assault, educate others, and promote online safety. As the campaign nears its conclusion, participants are encouraged to take a moment to look back on their journey and acknowledge the impact it has had on their commitment to ending sexual violence.

Reflecting on the #30DaysofSAAM experience allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of their support for survivors and the broader community. It is a chance to pause and contemplate the strides made towards creating a safer and more inclusive society. Whether it is sharing personal insights, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to be part of this movement, or recognizing the positive change brought about by collective efforts, reflection fosters a sense of awareness and appreciation.

Expressing gratitude is another crucial aspect of the #30DaysofSAAM campaign. It is an opportunity to thank those who have provided support, encouragement, and solidarity along the way. By acknowledging the contributions of others, participants reaffirm the power of community and the strength of united voices working towards a common goal. Gratitude not only uplifts individuals but also reinforces their commitment to supporting survivors and promoting a culture of consent and respect.

Table: Reflections and Gratitude Milestones

April 5Personal reflection on the impact of the campaign
April 15Expressing gratitude to supporters and allies
April 25Sharing lessons learned and commitments made
April 30Celebrating the collective achievements of the campaign

The #30DaysofSAAM campaign is a platform for reflection, gratitude, and support. It encourages participants to take stock of their journey, express appreciation for the community’s efforts, and reignite their commitment to creating a society free from sexual violence. By coming together and sharing their reflections and gratitude, participants contribute to raising awareness and fostering a culture of compassion, empathy, and understanding.


In conclusion, the 30-Day Local Support Challenge, AARP Community Challenge grants, and the #30DaysofSAAM campaign all play a significant role in promoting community engagement and creating a positive impact on local communities. These initiatives provide individuals with the opportunity to support local businesses, enhance the livability of their communities, and contribute to the well-being of survivors of sexual assault.

By participating in these challenges and campaigns, you can foster stronger, more inclusive communities. Whether it’s engaging in activities that boost local businesses, applying for grants that lead to long-term change and innovation, or participating in a month-long awareness campaign, your active involvement and connection make a difference.

These initiatives not only bring people together but also create a sense of awareness, support, and unity. By joining forces with others who share the same goals and aspirations, we can make a lasting impact on our communities. So, take the challenge, apply for the grants, and participate in the campaign. Together, we can build stronger, more vibrant communities for everyone.


What is the 30-Day Local Support Challenge?

The 30-Day Local Support Challenge is a program designed to boost local businesses, foster community spirit, and make a real difference in your town.

How can I participate in the 30-Day Local Support Challenge?

To participate in the 30-Day Local Support Challenge, simply support local businesses and engage in activities that promote community engagement, neighborhood support, social interaction, and the local economy.

What are AARP Community Challenge grants?

AARP Community Challenge grants provide funding for various types of projects that support permanent physical improvements in the community, temporary demonstrations that lead to long-term change, and new innovative programming or services.

How much money is awarded through AARP Community Challenge grants?

The average grant amount is $11,500, with 76% of grants awarded under $15,000.

How do I apply for an AARP Community Challenge grant?

To apply for an AARP Community Challenge grant, you must meet the eligibility requirements and submit your application through the online application form.

What happens if my AARP Community Challenge grant application is incomplete?

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed, so make sure to complete your application with all pertinent information.

When will I be notified about the status of my AARP Community Challenge grant application?

Grant recipients and unselected applicants will be notified by email in May.

What are the criteria for AARP Community Challenge grant selection?

The grant selection process evaluates projects based on impact, execution, and innovation, with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and addressing disparities.

Can any community apply for an AARP Community Challenge grant?

Although communities belonging to the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities are encouraged to apply, projects that benefit any community and satisfy all other criteria are eligible for consideration.

What is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)?

Sexual Assault Awareness Month takes place in April and encourages advocates, activists, survivors, and supporters to raise awareness, educate others, and connect with the community.

How can I participate in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign?

Anyone can participate in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign by completing the daily prompts and sharing their submissions online.

What types of posts are accepted for the #30DaysofSAAM campaign?

All types of posts are accepted, and original content is required.

What are the prizes for participating in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign?

Daily prizes include a $25 gift card to, and participants who engage every Tuesday or every day in April become eligible for the grand prize, a $250 gift card to

What does the #30DaysofSAAM campaign focus on?

The #30DaysofSAAM campaign focuses on supporting survivors, promoting online safety, and creating safe and respectful online spaces.

How can I express my reflections and gratitude in the #30DaysofSAAM campaign?

Towards the end of the campaign, participants are prompted to reflect on their experiences and express gratitude to those who supported their participation by sharing personal reflections and acknowledging the impact on their commitment to ending sexual violence.

How do the 30-Day Local Support Challenge, AARP Community Challenge grants, and the #30DaysofSAAM campaign benefit communities?

These challenges and campaigns promote community engagement, support local businesses, improve the livability of communities, and contribute to the well-being of survivors of sexual assault, ultimately fostering stronger, more inclusive communities.

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